Our world is becoming technologically advanced day after another, and in this way of making things work better, we are also making it smaller day by day. Today you can see that advancement of various electronic products that you use in your daily life has lead to the process of a decrease in the size of electronic goods. Starting with your TV sets that use to be huge and large in size a decade ago are today as slim as your mobile phone. Hence it is for sure that technology is developing day after another but is there any cosmic radiation effects on electronics?
The radiation effects
Most of the electronic items you are using in your day-to-day life are made up of many small tools and equipment joined together. The main thing which is making the item work properly is the microchip in them that is installed by the company and by which the item works properly. Now, these microchips do not work on their own but need some signal to work, and that is what they get from the satellites that are launched above in the sky. These satellites produce ways which are the part of space radiation effect on electronics.
But that is not all the electronic products ships also include danger from the harmful cosmic rays that are produced by the sun, and these rays constitute almost 13% share of the cosmic rays that are falling on earth. If you see it through the ultra radiation-based picture that is clicked by the Experts in this field, you will get to know how badly these cosmic rays are attacking the planet earth.
What issue can they cause?
Well, when it comes to the electronic products that you use daily in your life, then you should learn that your products are in need to protect microchips from cosmic rays. It is mainly because by this way the person will get the chance to manage the damage or risk to the goods.
Just imagine when these rays can travel millions of kilometers to earth to cause damage, then they can also easily damage the electronics that are attached with spacecraft. Hence the scientists might be working for fortifying computer chips for space travel. By which they can keep all the data from space safe and hence they can also work properly in to transmit the data down on the earth by time.